Save The Swift Fox

By Addison Carson

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I’m taking a stand!

I’ve started my very own Earth Rangers fundraiser to help protect swift foxes!

Did you know that Canada’s grasslands are one of the most endangered ecosystems on Earth and are crucial habitat for swift foxes? These grasslands are disappearing due to human development and climate change, threatening the swift foxes’ survival.

That’s why I’m taking a stand to protect the swift foxes! The funds I raise will contribute to efforts in mapping, monitoring, and conserving the grasslands that are crucial habitats for swift foxes and other wildlife.

I really hope you’ll support my Earth Rangers fundraiser for swift foxes and help me reach my goal by making a donation!

Badge Achievements

Raise just $1 to get started and unlock the 'On My Way' badge. Every dollar counts!

Reach 50% of your fundraising goal and unlock the 'Halfway There' badge

Share your fundraiser page with friends and unlock the 'Sharing is Caring' badge

Make a donation to your fundraiser and unlock the 'Walking the Talk' badge

Raise funds in the three digits and unlock the 'Triple Digits' badge

Write about your fundraising initiative in a blog post and unlock the 'Content Creator' badge

Reach your fundraising goal and unlock the 'Goal Achieved!' badge

Upload a photo of you and your fundraiser and unlock the 'Worth 1,000 Words' badge

Raise more than your fundraising goal and unlock the 'Overachiever' badge

Reach the top 10 fundraisers and unlock the 'Top 10' badge

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My Updates


Thursday 1st Aug
I would like to thank all of those who donated to help save the swift fox, I am happy to report that I have exceeded my goal of $500 thanks to the support and generous donations of my family and community members. Even though I have achieved my goal, my fundraising initiative is not over, I will continue to work hard to protect the swift fox and animals like it until they are no longer under threat!

Bake and Bracelet Sale Part 2

Thursday 1st Aug
On the 31st of July I ounce again went around my neighbourhood selling bracelets and cookies the raise money for my cause! I raised a total of $89 and would like to thank all those who bought cookies and bracelets!

Bake and Bracelet Sale Part 1

Sunday 28th Jul
On the 27th of July I went around my neighbourhood selling cookies and gemstone bracelets. I raised $72 and would like to thank all of the people who bought bracelets, cookies or simply donated to my cause. It’s people like you who make saving the swift fox possible. 

Thank you to my Sponsors




Olive L.

Great work Addison!


Angela Murphy

Addision, what a great initiative! The grasslands are such an important environment for so many prairie animals and important ecosystems for storing Carbon in their roots and countering the impacts of climate change. Good for you!




Community Friends




Scott And Miriam Carson

We are happy to support this young environmentalist in such a worthy cause! Scott and Miriam Carson


Brant Carson



This is awesome! Go Addison!!!


Lynn Carson


Tovah Barocas, President Of Earth Rangers

I'm so inspired by your campaign and all the effort you put into helping swift foxes!